Monday, December 15, 2008

Turn off Autoplay when insert Flash Disk or CD/DVD data

Turn off Autoplay will stop play when we plug a removable disk (flash disk) or when we insert CD/DVD. When we insert data, windows will not play this data, it's may useful when we want to protect viruses is like from flash disk. Some viruses will attack our computer when we plug flash disk and when explore the data. If this autoplay run explore automatic may be when we plug in flash disk the viruses have infected computer. It's more safely when we run scan viruses before we explore the data that we cannot guarantee it's clean from viruses. Turn off Autoplay may give one choice to protect the computer.

This is the tips to turn off Autoplay (case in windows XP):
Click start -> Run
Type: gpedit.msc (this is group policy setting)
Click: Computer Configuration --> Administrative Templates --> System
Double click: Turn off Autoplay --> then choose Enable from the dialog box
After you do it in the Computer Configuration, do the same way in the User Configuration too.

When you enable turn off autoplay, so your computer is off from autoplay explore the data when you insert CD/DVD or flash disk.

Mematikan autoplay berfungsi agar komputer kita tidak otomatis melaksanakan explorasi pada data yang kita masukkan misalnya dari flash disk atau dari CD/DVD. Hal ini kemungkinan menambah keamanan komputer dari virus, sebab ada beberapa virus yang langsung menyebar ketika data diexplorasi, apalagi dampak dari virus yang langsung merusak sistem komputer kita dan merusak windows. Mematikan auto play mungkin bermanfaat, sebab data yang tidak kita pecaya keamanannya bisa discan dulu dengan antivirus sebelum diexplore.

Berikut adalah cara mematikan auto play (kasus pada windows XP):
Click start -> Run
Type: gpedit.msc (ini adalah group policy setting)
Click: Computer Configuration --> Administrative Templates --> System
Double click: Turn off Autoplay --> pilih Enable dari dialog box
Setelah melaksanakan setting pada Computer Configuration, lakukan hal yang sama pada User Configuration.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Memasukkan gambar dalam body email di Yahoo mail

Bagaimana memasukkan gambar dalam body email? berikut ini adalah salah satu tips yang bisa digunakan.
Siapkan gambar yang akan ditampilkan.
Gambar tersebut bisa diupload ke hosting, misalnya saja hosting yang penyimpan gambar di imageshack yang terkait dengan friendster.
Upload gambar tersebut ke hosting dan cari direct link gambarnya.
Buka alamat direct link tersebut dengan menggunakan Internet Eksplorer (IE), untuk mozilla kelihatannya tidak bisa untuk mengkopi gambar ke email.
Buka email anda dan siapkan tulisan baru, silahkan tulis dalam tampilan Rich Textnya, jangan plain text.
Silahkan click kanan pada gambar di IE tadi, dan pilih copy.
Silahkan paste di tempat anda menulis email.

Nah, dengan cara tersebut gambar akan tampil di email Anda dan siap untuk dikirimkan.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Cannot Modify header, my solution

I have an error on my code php as shown like this:

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/wima/public_html/baak/ondaf/save_daftar.php:1) in /home/wima/public_html/baak/ondaf/save_daftar.php on line 87

I have tried a lot off thing how tho solve this problem. I see that sometimes header run on my code, sometimes not. So for a long time I try to find where is the wrong.

Finally I get an idea when I read some reference on the net. This is the easy tip to solve the problem. My example is when I write the code into part of the form method.

1. I make form1.php that used to input the data.
2. Make a save.php to save the input data. This file that contain header location to to file closing the process. I used the third file because I find that when I just use two files, when user press a reload/refress, the data from post method will process again. So there was double data. So I write header location for well.php (third file)
When use the header location, for not to find error cannot modify header. Try for this file contain php code only. I remove another data that not in php code. Try just only code for identified variables, connection and insert data, header location code that contain a little of variables that will bring by this header location code.
3. Make a well.php. This page is contain message that the process has done, and other information needed to inform for the user.

That is my process that make my header location run. Before I use that last tips, I write other html codein the second page (save page) are like, css, font, some information, so I found error 'cannot modify header location'.

Sunday, May 25, 2008


What is the interesting way which setting email on the mobile? We can read email as we open sms. We can send email from mobile. Save address on mobile as part of mobile number of friend.
But how to set email on the mobile? We can enter the code to email setting, or ask wizard from mobile to the mobile provider. Example I use Sony Ericsson setting wizard from standart gprs mobile menu. Choose email setting and follow the instruction.
If you want to go to the url setting of Sony Ericsson, try this link from you standard GPRS from you mobile
Chosee email setting. Use IMAP, and fill others data needed as from the form ask. After finishing you will get sms to install email setting.
After finish install, enter to your email setting in Messaging - Email - Setingg. Choose yahoo IMAP and activated it. Select yahoo IMAP and click more and choose edit account. Make sure that for 'Connect using' is set to your GPRS mobile Provider.

Friday, May 23, 2008

Process Meter for analyse your cpu activity

I think we have been familiar with windows task manager. This program is included by Windows system operation. When you press once Ctrl+Alt+del you can access the information from task manager like a line graphics that show you how your cpu usage. The information provided is hardware resource (CPU, memory) form Windows operating system.
But, task manager doesn't been served in the visual models for more anallys, with not show line limit where the process can be said overload using the resource.
The one another choice to show the process in visual graphic is process monitor. What information that provide by process monitor? You can see the usage of CPU, handles, threads, memory, virtual memory, and address space. Every process is shown by bar. Red bar is indicated that the process use resource more than the limit we have set before. You can click the bar to see the detail information of the process. You can also set the process limit from the menu view, than set limit.
You can download the program from: (free, size 572 kb).

Note: the picture from

Friday, March 28, 2008

Browsing via mobile by operamini

Picture from:
To play more interactive in your mobile when you browsing internet, you can use operamini.

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Variabel include link in PHP, use $_GET

This is my experience when I use link include variables inside them. Example I will open another page from my link and that page will open with the same page of index.php.
So I use a href="index.php?cont=file2">file2 /a> wrote in index.php.
"?" means that I set variable cont that the value is file2. Thats way, in index.php I write script for include file2 in the page.
the script is like this:
1. in index.php

2. still in index.php that will placed content to load data from page file2 I write:
That's mean I will open again index.php but include file2 to open by condition if variabel cont is set before. If variable set is not arise, index will include home.php to open.

3. file2 content is file that content may be information, open database and list data, and will show at the place we want to place it in index.php page.

This is my experience, I have write the code like above and run on my computer where I design that. It's can be run well. But when I run to other server It's not run. For one days I try to find the trouble. I change the server by APPserv that include Web Server, MySQL, and MyPhpAdmim. The trouble can fix. I'm so glad can finish my job.

So I want to upload the program to the remote web server. But... ohhh.. the same problem arise, the program can't run well. I find that the variable set by ? can't read. So the programs never know that variable.

I try to find help in PHP, try to search for I can solve that problems by another way. The alternative is make a template, or set the variable into a database. But for some reasons this is not effective for my job case.

Try and try again. Finally I saw a code by that read variable by _GET. I try to use it even that was usually use by form method (get, post). I try this because I see the case of execution Get is the same like I write link by ?
(exp.> Oh
Oh.. may I can use that code to solve my problem.

Ok.. and finally I can see my program run. Oh.. I'm so happy.

The way is I must write php code and set variable first before my include file, and I used if(cont!="") to my a logical not isset().
Get Method.

The link is the same as first point.
a href="index.php?cont=file2">file2 /a>

but the code to run include is change with the last code above.

* Where is the exactly problem so that's not run well. I think the problems is in PHP program. For the code I write first, it's will run well when I used PHP version 5 above. But in Version 4 and under, may I will the same problem.

But.. it's ok because I can use another way and can run in my remote place. But you can try another way like request() , and require. I see that it's run too to read variable as ? link set.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Fireworks for Design image on your web

Accelerate web design and development with Adobe Fireworks software, the ideal tool for creating and optimizing images for the web and rapidly prototyping websites. The newer version for fireworks now is available Fireworks CS3.
What can you make with Fireworks. It's a good tools to makes a design for your web, exp.: header, picture, design interactive, and other purpose. This Fireworks can help you too when you want to design a book cover, presentation etc. Because you can export it to a jpg, gif, png format.

If you familiar to use a slice you can use this firework to make help for you. When you design a full art of your web, as a part of header, footer, background, left side or right side then you can make a range slice and choose for one by one part than export it to jpg, gif format. This image then you can set to your column site as header, footer, or background.

Firework can make a combination of jpg an familiar format. You can set a layer size then import some image in your layer. Each image will fill each layer. You can make transparent, overlay, erase unused background, and other tools to design image.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

zCI Computer Inventory System

You can see your computer's specification by zCI Computer Inventory System. This is an open source web based. This software is support a client program for Windows or Linux/Unix operating system. Client software is automatically collect the hardware or software information, example List hardware, list software, computer serial number, monitor serial number, MAC address, etc.

zCI is an software that make easy way to help you for identifying your computer inventory. If there are so many computer that you must identifying, it's hard to do when you must open one by one your CPU to see your hardware. By this software, it's easier to do.

To download this program:
Price : free
Size : 1.83 MB
Download :

Friday, February 22, 2008

Driver Flash Disk for Windows98, Kinstone

If still use Windows98SE version in your computer, and you need to use flash disk for your USB. You need to install driver for your computer recognized your flash disk. Exp. if you use Kinstone Product, you can download the driver at

Backup Your Computer's Driver with Magician Lite

If you want to make a backup for your driver in your computer, you can choose Magician Lite to handle this. Make a backup is useful when you must rebuilt your computer system. May be some driver is old and hard to find again. By Magician Lite you can make backup and restore back when you need.

Driver Magician offers a professional solution for device drivers backup, restoration, update and removal in Windows operating system. It identifies all the hardware in the system, extracts their associated drivers from the hard disk and backs them up to a location of your choice. Then when you format and reinstall/upgrade your operating system, you can restore all the "saved" drivers just as if you had the original driver diskettes in your hands. After one system reboot, your PC will be loaded and running with the required hardware drivers.

What's more, Driver Magician has a built in database of the latest drivers with the ability to go to the Internet to receive the driver updates. It saves lots of time to find the correct drivers and mature drivers will obviously increase the performance of hardware. If there are unknown devices in your PC, Driver Magician helps you detect them easily and quickly with its built in hardware identifier database.

To download program:

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Create Web Page or Edit with AMAYA

Amaya is a Web editor, i.e. a tool used to create and update documents directly on the Web. Browsing features are seamlessly integrated with the editing and remote access features in a uniform environment. This follows the original vision of the Web as a space for collaboration and not just a one-way publishing medium.

Work on Amaya started at W3C in 1996 to showcase Web technologies in a fully-featured Web client. The main motivation for developing Amaya was to provide a framework that can integrate as many W3C technologies as possible. It is used to demonstrate these technologies in action while taking advantage of their combination in a single, consistent environment.

Amaya started as an HTML + CSS style sheets editor. Since that time it was extended to support XML and an increasing number of XML applications such as the XHTML family, MathML, and SVG. It allows all those vocabularies to be edited simultaneously in compound documents.

Amaya includes a collaborative annotation application based on Resource Description Framework (RDF), XLink, and XPointer. Visit the Annotea project home page.

to download:

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

About ShoutMix in your site or blog

Shoutbox a.k.a tagboard/chatbox, is an easy to use messaging system that allows you to interact with others instantly.

Get a shoutbox for your blog or website and get instant comments from your visitors today!

A shoutbox can be placed on your blog or website. Your visitors can then easily post comments in it. They can also use the shoutbox to chat with you and other visitors at the same time.

Shoutbox is a great interactive add-on that makes your visitors coming back for more! Give our shoutbox a try and see how it performs!


Do You Know Swish Max?

SWiSH Max2 is a powerful Flash authoring application. Flash is a multimedia format for playing animation, video and audio on the web, mobile devices and more. SWiSH Max2 enables you to create Flash movies in a simple timeline based authoring environment, dragging and dropping video, audio, effects, images and more to create stunning multimedia movies. With SWiSH Max2 you can build anything from flash websites, animated menus, banner ads, text effects, presentations, cartoons, slideshows, applications to video productions.

To download program:

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Layer in Photoshop

In photoshop you can make combination of picture, text, or shape. Example, you want to combine picture of a girl and picture of the beach. You want that the girl is look standing on the bearch. It is easy way to make a new picture as you want. The tips is use the layer to edit these two pictures.
1. Open picture of the beach.
2. Open picture of the girl.
3. See the layers, it's will appear two layers on the layer panel.
4. Make the girl layer place above of the beach layer.
5. Click the girl layer.
6. Use eraser tool to remove the background that not used. You will see picture of the beach will appear at the removed cell.
7. Save file to a jpeg format. Or you can save the project to psd file that you can edit it again in the next time.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Web Server by AppServ

With one pack that easy can applied to your computer, AppServ make an easy way to install web server to your computer. Just one times install this program, you get some web server programs are like php, mysql, phpmyadmin. So it's easy to build a database server to your own computer.
After the installation of AppServ is finish, you can test run your web server, use your internet explore and type the address: http://localhost. Or you can type your IP address of LAN.

To download AppServ:

Tips for the beginner:
- Click appservxxxxxx.exe that you've download.
- Choose your destination folder (default c:/appserv)
- If you do not sure about the name and password to your database, let it's by the default.

Make autorun CD

It's a simple way to make autorun for your CD. Autorun some times needed to make automatic run when you insert CD to a computer. For example that use autorun are like movie, flash, presentation, etc.

To make autorun, please open notepad and type:


save the file by name: autorun.inf

Then burning your CD data include autorun.inf and your icon file

xxx.exe --> example for file name
xxx.ico --> example for icon name (icon is optional, can used or not)

Hiding Share Folder

When our computer connect by local area network (LAN). We can shared folder that other computer can open it. But some times we want shared folder that only some computer can open that folder. Example just for our own office that can open it.

An alternative to minimize other computer open your folder. You can hidden share by:
- Right click your folder to shared
- Open Sharing and Security
- Fill the name to share ending by $. example fold$
By that step, you have hidden your folder for other computer.

If other computer need to open that folder, use the explore and type addres and file ending by $ (exp \\comp1\fold$ )